Pollo Encebollado
This is a great way to cook steak, especially the less tender cuts of meat, since the juices of the onion help to break down tough proteins.
Recipe Summary Pollo Encebollado
A Central American specialty that means 'chicken smothered in onion'. Serve with hot, cooked rice.
Ingredients | Bistec Encebollado Peruano1 (4 pound) chicken, cut into pieces1 tablespoon corn oil3 onions, thinly sliced½ cup chicken broth3 tablespoons orange juice2 tablespoons lemon juicesalt and pepper to tasteDirectionsIn a large skillet, heat corn oil over medium-high heat. Add chicken pieces and saute for 5 minutes, until lightly browned. Add onions and saute for 2 minutes more. Add juice, broth, salt and pepper. Stir all together. Cover skillet and reduce heat to low. Let simmer for 45 minutes or until chicken is cooked through and juices run clear.Info | Bistec Encebollado Peruanoprep: 5 mins cook: 50 mins total: 55 mins Servings: 6 Yield: 6 servings
TAG : Pollo EncebolladoMain Dish Recipes,
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